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Save Our Water

Did you know? In our world does not appear if there is water crisis where - where. Although we do not feel at all of the crisis. In fact, we know we eat, drink, dress, bathe, and other activities all need water. Whether it's for materials, labor, and in the event like a circus - a circus or a show of water anywhere.

If so we may conclude if water in the world is very important for our lives from the necessities of life and to make a living. You forgotten the brothers - our sisters in other parts of  world example parts of Africa, but it is not far away - far away brothers - who are our sisters in Indonesia Paupa example, NTT, NTB.

They are still in need of water, until - until they use water only for drinking and bathing. We are not touched on what they experienced. Not only moved if there is only a natural disaster or catastrophe that happened on a large - scale. But we must care of  their at suffering.

Start with a small way - just a little we can do without working too hard .The trick is
1. Begin to use water as needed only, not to waste - waste water with play.
2. If you look at the tap in the bathroom and had a full life up until the overflow, turn off.
3. Support if there is either water-saving program in the neighborhood or the tv show
4. If you are a high-ranking countries, suggest that the water savings to local governments.

That way we have been able to try to save our water. other wise prevent as much of the world water crisis and the best we can. So that we can live without water shortage again.

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